Standing up (holding on to a piece of furniture or some other support) the baby’s vision locks onto Mom and Dad, who wait with outstretched arms and gigantic smiles to urge, and then to celebrate, his first wobbly steps.
He’s off! Just a few lurching feet separate the brave voyager from loving arms that will swoop him into a victory dance when he’s within reach. What an accomplishment – he’s walking!
No matter how long or short the trip, a ‘great divide’ is bridged. The infant is now a toddler.
One of my cherished memories is of my own toddler practicing his steps. We had waited before – with arms outstretched, cheering for him to tackle the empty floor space between us. But he was not ready.
This time, at the end of the sofa, and the beginning of open space, he took one more shaky step, then another – dragging a big, empty grocery bag with him. He needed more practice with that faithful bag before he was ready to leave its false security – reaching out as he staggered into our waiting arms. Triumph!
Can this story help if I fear a step I must take, or feel discouraged by my slow progress over the long stretch of empty space that lay before me? It might.
The keys to my son’s success were that he did not give up – and that he found something to use against his fear. He didn’t understand the futility of a paper bag to provide any support he might need. It looked substantial – and gave him the boost he needed.
I treasure this memory and the happy laugh it always brings. And then I wonder — do I offer happy laughter to my God, as I stagger around with my own paper bags?
Part of me knows that I don’t really need them as I walk in His direction. He is my strength and support. But sometimes, the empty floor space feels so big, and the next solid object can seem so far away, that I may try to drag support along with me.
If that takes the form of planning or preparation it’s probably harmless, and might even be helpful. But if instead, it represents distrust or a loss of focus – then it’s an exercise in futility. And if my bags are filled with heavy ‘junk’ … they can slow me down or even pull me off balance. I can ask for wisdom to check my baggage.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7
My heart fills with love and appreciation for my baby’s remembered daring. I was not offended by his problem-solving attempt.
My Heavenly Father sees me. He appreciates each lurching step. He’s not offended by my wobbles. He’s cheering me on with joy — ready to swoop me up when I fall, or as I stagger into His arms.
We are children of the King. He knows we’re still learning to walk. Be encouraged. “Toddle on!
Blessings, Love and Laughter,
Image by andres felipe Aristizabal from Pixabay
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