Taking Aim at Depression

To focus on what God says about us, in dark moments of depression (rather than on what our emotions say), is one of the most powerfully encouraging suggestions ever shared. It’s simple advice – but it most definitely is NOT easy.

God’s word is the one true, authentic source for information, inspiration, cheer and wisdom. But we can miss the support, guidance, and strength we seek.

Did you know that the word ‘sin’ is really a term used in Archery – where it means ‘to miss the mark’? That clarifies some things for me.

As we process the meaning of a message, we put it through our own psychic filters (emotions, past memories, doubts, etc.). In doing so – it’s possible to allow interference and distortion to ‘mess’ with the message.

We can list the great things God says about us – and then filter the message, with emotional twists and self-judgment — instead of acceptance.

We might ‘miss the mark’ with our feelings – then add ‘guilt’ to make things worse. For example:

He says we are loved – but we feel unloveable.

He says we are saints – We feel (act) ‘un-saintly.’

He says we are righteous in Him – We feel like pond scum.

He says we are strong in the Lord – We feel weak.

He says we are victorious – We feel defeated.

He says we are assured of Heaven – Life may feel like H_ _ _.

He says we are new creations, beautiful in His sight –

We feel like the same old losers. It’s not a pretty picture.

IF entertaining (feeling) anything that opposes the word of God is sin — we are proven failures, right?  No. It ain’t necessarily so.

GOOD NEWS: Feelings are not facts. Feelings are momentary perceptions – affected by a wild variety of potential influencers (chemistry, history, injury, illness, the enemy, etc.).

We are instructed to bring our thoughts into captivity to the word of God. We do this by aligning them with what God says are FACTS. We challenge and deliberately refute things that don’t agree with Him. Reject offending ideas in prayer, in our hearts and even OUT LOUD. We can read, study, memorize and use other strategies to shift our thinking. And, we can do the same with feelings.

That’s not easy. I won’t suggest that we just need to ‘snap out of it’ or ‘count our blessings’.  It’s hard to focus on God’s truth and light – when we’re mired in self-doubt, faulty thinking, and painful darkness. We’re vulnerable humans – living in a fallen world. But the truth remains (in spite of our feelings) and it can give us the courage to hold on.

In their book (THE CURE), authors John Lynch, Bruce McNicol, and Bill Thrall ask us to consider the caterpillar. A biological analysis of a caterpillar would show that in every way (including DNA structure), what looks like a caterpillar is – in FACT – a butterfly.

Because that’s true, the caterpillar will, someday, transform into a beautiful butterfly – a new reality that is already true (regardless of current appearance, abilities, or self-image).

We can accept our feelings, without giving them the energy and attention it would take to deny or fight them – and still bring our thoughts into captivity to the truth.

Like the caterpillar, we may be crawling through our present circumstance, unable to stand, walk, or even imagine flying. We may feel, or look, unattractive. We may be frightened, feeling trapped — wrapped in dark times of trial.

We can’t see it from within our cocoon, but our Divine DNA shows that what God says about us is already true. We are much-loved saints. We are strong, and righteous in the Lord. Following Him, we are assured of heaven. We are victorious, and one day we will be able to see ourselves as He already does … and we’ll fly.

We have choices other than a crawl into darkness. Unlike the caterpillar, we can rise to our feet. We can act – pray – do something, for ourselves or others. We can reach out for support – or offer it to others.

We can be aware and reminded of God’s TRUTH. No matter how dark our moment is … light still exists.

We may be cocooned but, in Christ, we already are glorious. And one day we’ll emerge into beauty. We can choose to hold on. Please hold on, beloved. We need each other. He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Blessings, Love, and Laughter to you.


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