HAPPY NEW YEAR! I feel as though I’ve been wandering in a New Year’s Fog. Yep, that’s my description … you know, where the edges of the world get fuzzy, and highway lane lines all but disappear. The world, in all its adventure, is still very much there – but veiled in misty thinking and approached with a lower level of energy.
After the Holiday rush and end-of-the-year wrap-up, maybe a bit of fog is not unexpected. Has anyone else felt the same?
I have not made a list of formal resolutions for the New Year, but I have been pondering my goals – including those for this blog.
My book (OVERCOME DEPRESSION: Strategies from Science and Scripture) was a labor of love, born out of 30+ years of experience working within mental health. I’ve had some great feedback and was encouraged to share more with my readers.
Your comments have been rare gems of inspiration. I craved more interaction with readers. Lacking much of that, I have filled pages with research information, strategies, and encouragement (which I will continue to share). But, I don’t want to lock into a style of writing that limits personal observation and input.
Our life experience and coping skills, create an adventure — filled with unexpected beauty, laughter, tears, joy and heartache in our day-to-day being. We are on this journey together.
My personal journey reminds me of how my youngest son learned to walk. As a toddler, he wobbled and staggered a bit. At times he lost his balance – but most importantly, he fell forward (often caught up in my arms) and with a gasp or a giggle he successfully continued his quest
I think that’s my goal for 2022. I acknowledge that I wobble and stagger at times, and I bet you do too. I want to keep falling forward to continue my quest. And, I want to share what I learn, and to encourage those who share the journey with me.
By Grace we are caught in the arms of our loving God … so we can get back on our feet and confidently continue ‘full muddle ahead’. I’m looking forward to the shared adventure.
In the coming months, expect more information, observations, and encouragement. I’m a cheer-leader at heart. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me.
Blessings, Love and Laughter to you,
Margaret (Marge)
Margaret, I do so hope you continue…. When you helped me realize that depression might be haunting me, your book made it clear that depression was my reality. The Bible Study class (BSF) has helped me as well….knowing that spiritually we can talk to God and he never has a busy signal, I spend much time in prayer. Also these periodic reminders you send us are soooooo helpful.
My wish is that you continue!!!
Thank you for your encouraging words! I do intend to keep writing and I enjoy being reminded that you will keep reading. Blessings, Love, and Laughter to you