Have We All Had Enough Bad News Yet?

Have we all had enough bad news yet? In the interests of self-comfort I’m tempted to turn off all media, or at least switch channels, as soon as the Nightly News is announced.

“If it bleeds – it leads”. I’ve heard that’s the mantra of news editors. Headlines proclaim wars, rumors of wars, crime, sickness, poverty, and despair. We ask … ‘Isn’t there any good news for a change

YES, and here is the best news ever … God Loves you, and me. No exceptions. No middle ground. No doubt!

We can know this for sure … because He caused it to be written in His word.

One more thing – we are promised an amazing happy ending.

In fact, His is the only story we’ll ever read where ‘… and they lived happily ever after’… is not fiction. It’s a FACT. Our wildest imaginations can’t begin to describe the experience of heaven that we’ve been invited to share.

While we wait here – there may be days that seem trapped in misery. A review of God’s good news can break us free. We are assured that He is with us through the hard, sad/bad times. Headlines may seem overwhelming. In this fallen world we will face hardships and heartache – but it won’t last forever.

I’m not suggesting we put on blinders to the circumstances we face. We need to be aware of what’s happening – so that we can use opportunities to have a positive impact. We just need to avoid being swamped by the negatives.

My strategy is to remind myself, regularly, of happy endings to come, and to take frequent breaks for treasure hunting.

Within whatever else may be going on in my life or in the world at large … there will be hidden treasures (positive gems) to discover. I want to see and enjoy them.

On the darkest day – if we look for it, we will see glimmers of light: in children’s laughter, the eyes of a friend or a stranger’s smile.

Sometimes we find it in the most unexpected places. We may be blessed to learn that what we experienced as a negative – actually had a positive outcome.

For example: an unexpected delay that frustrated us, may have spared us the accident that happened on the road we would have taken.

When we’re dealing with the ‘tough stuff’, we can find encouragement in these words:

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. (Romans 8:28 AMP)

No matter how we look at it … that’s good news! Pass it on.

Blessings, Love and Laughter,


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