Hello God. It’s Me Again…

“Hello God. It’s me again, Margaret”.

The first time I saw these words, they captioned a Dennis the Menace cartoon cell. I have forgotten the comic strip’s issues. I have never forgotten that line.

If imitation (or repetition) is the most sincere form of flattery, the cartoonist should feel flattered. Applause is well deserved. I’ve repeated that line so often in my prayers – it has become my own.

I have been asked to introduce myself and to explain who I am, and what I’m all about.  Here goes:

I once completed a classroom task that asked us to define ourselves in five words. If you’re looking for a challenge – try it.  I can’t do exactly five words — but I’m close.

I’m a believer. I’m a Lover. I’m a reader/writer. I’m a teacher. I’m a clown.

I’m a believer in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, my redeemer, my savior, my God. Yes, I know I may have already scared off some potential readers – but there really is no other way to begin, since everything else of any value in my life is built on this first statement.

I’m NOT a perfect person by anyone’s stretch of the imagination – and I’m not even 100% rock-solid in acting out my faith day-to-day. I wobble, and I’ve taken spectacular falls from time to time. Like a toddler (OK, a senior toddler), I’m still learning to walk.

I heard a pastor once say “a church is not meant to be a museum of perfect saints – it’s a first aid station for sinners who keep trying.” I’ll say AMEN!

I am a lover – of my God, of my husband (who was also my partner and best friend ), of my family and friends, and others. I believe in the power of Love to keep the old world spinning, and to make the turns worth the ride. I’m also a lover of Chocolate, good Music, and most carbohydrates.

I’m a reader and a writer. I love to read good stories, good non-fiction, and even good cereal box covers. My list of favored authors runs long. I love the written word – and I love sharing it with others.

I’m a teacher: My sister and I  mourned the loss of excitement, safety, and affection when school was closed for a holiday or for summer. We especially missed story hours, and those classes that let us eat the cookies we learned to make. Once upon a time schools actually had classes like Home Economics, Music, Art, P.E., and Shop. Thank God we still have music.  If we paid attention to the latest in Brain Research and learning theory today – we’d see all of those classes as essential.

Every teacher can relate to the zing you get in your heart with a student’s “Ah Hah!” You see a spark in their eyes when they ‘get it!’. When confidence replaces confusion – it’s a thrill you can feed on for a long time.

That thrill is not just for those with credentials. It’s what every mom, dad or big brother feels, after coaching their ‘student’, on the day the training wheels come off, or at the proud presentation of culinary art that may, or may not, be edible. Teaching offers thrills un-limited!

I’m a clown.  I once wanted to join the circus – with two grand dreams. First, was the drama and beauty of trapeze artists. I just knew I could fly – if I could wear the spangled tights, and look like Gina Lollabrigida. And then there were clowns. Those magical characters could make fun out of tragedy, and do incredible stunts with wonderful, crazy freedom.

Sometimes I’m a clown by accident. If things can be either embarrassing or humorous – I’ll choose funny!

Sometimes I’m a clown on purpose — Yep, red nose and all. Appearing in nose and wig to do a ‘get well’ song works better than a card, and sometimes better than an aspirin. Laughter is music to the heart.

One other descriptor didn’t fit into my 5-word limit — I’m a cheerleader.

Now that I’ve expanded my self-introduction let me tell you my purpose. I worked within a State Mental Hospital, for 31 years, as a Speech-Language Pathologist and Teacher. In addition to clinical rehabilitation services, I was blessed to co-develop life-skills classes, including Mental Health Recovery Skills, and Suicide Prevention. I have a passion for these topics based on research, plus both professional and personal experience. I want to share the gifts I’ve been given.

This blog seeks to offer wisdom, faith, and fun on the subject of living and overcoming depression. Now that you know me, I invite you to join the adventure. I’d love to share Scripture, science, research, strategies, observations, inspirations, and laughter as encouragement for your journey. Next Sunday – we’ll explore Oceans of Emotions. Until then …

Blessings, Love and Laughter!

Marge Lalich, M.S., M.A., CCC/slp



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