It’s nearly Christmas ! I am wishing joy, love and laughter to each of you as we enter this holiday season. We celebrate the greatest gift to mankind that has ever been given. Pure Love was lavished on us with the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We may be uncertain of calendar details or translations – but there is no debate among believers about how incredibly worthy of celebration this is. The King of Heaven came as ‘Emmanuel’ which is God With Us … in the form of that babe in a manger. All heaven and earth rejoiced – and we still can.
This time of year can also be difficult for those of us who may be alone, or grieving the loss of someone dear. We can have the ‘Joy of the Lord’ and still experience hard emotions. Just as we double our Joys when we share them with others – we can divide our sorrows when we share those in relationships of trust. Let’s reach out to each other to ask for or to offer support. Shared love is priceless. It’s the BEST gift anyone can give or receive for Christmas and for every day of our lives.
I recently shared an interview about coping with depression – on blog-talk radio. Angela and I spoke of many things and shared quite a bit of information. You can listen in by following this link:
I am entering a holiday break in my schedule – and will be posting new articles and information Jan 5, 2020
Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Blessings, Love and Laughter to you all!
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