Joys of Quarantine

A family member decided to join friends on a road-trip adventure. He wanted to get out of the house. The trip surprised him with inclusion of a Labor Day boat party planned by his host.

Pictures showed a much larger crowd than anticipated, a near total lack of face masks, and less social distance than expected.  It looked like a great time – enjoyed by all.

Other family members viewing the Facebook memories, quickly got in touch to express their concerns, for his safety and mine. So, my family member came home – while I left to spend time with my Sis in quarantine.

In this time ‘out of place’, I’ve caught up on family news and business and a surprising amount of ‘creative’ work, and computer learning that I had been overwhelmed with.

My work agenda for 2020:  Re-design Website; Plan Audio-book recording of Book #1; Finalize plans and outline content for Book 1’s Study Journal (requested by readers); Review final corrections and polish for re-launch of Book 1 in Print and Kindle;  Re-launch and maintain my blog and social media marketing efforts; Write Book # 2 (LET’s TALK… About Depression).

Much of this work has been in foggy circulation within my brain for months.  I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and a bit unsure of the best approach.  I am amazed at how well God can use unplanned, Quarantine time to blow away clouds of confusion and achieve so much.

As of now – my Blog posts are current, Memes are prepared for Instagram posting, and some good organizational work has been accomplished.

I actually have an outline for my next project… OVERCOME DEPRESSION: Strategies from Science and Scripture – STUDY JOURNAL.

This outline will organize the book, and serve to kick-start creative design.  I actually believe that I can get the journal done by the end of the year … Hallelujah!

I have an appointment with the genius who will re-design my website – and ideas are much more clear of what/how it should function and look. No fog!

I have been able to do a bit more research for Book # 2, and I’ve mastered one or two of those tricky ‘tech’ maneuvers I’ve been wrestling with on Facebook and Instagram.

I still have a ton of work to do – but coming out of the fog and into a clear view of the way ahead restores excitement and energy for the journey. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

Oh yes, I have also rediscovered what a great cook my Sister is … and she’s spoiling me rotten!

Covid 19 continues to plague us, fires are still burning, and all of the other stress of protest and politics still exist – but I have been blessed in quarantine.

I hope you are finding your own hidden joys and benefits during this time. If not, please give yourself permission to enjoy a treasure hunt for them. While ‘normal’ seems to bend  routines and expectations in the pandemic and other events — maybe we can find a bit of flexibility for ourselves too.

Blessings, Love and Laughter,

Margaret Lalich


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