Knowledge of The Soul:


Sleep, Nutrition, and Movement are three of the most common areas of complaint for those coping with depression.

We can learn a lot about keeping our balance. Our struggle to overcome depression and anxiety affects our physical, mental, social, and spiritual lives.


To begin, let’s state some unchangeable truth:

  1.  You are loved, and NEVER alone (even when it feels that way) – God says so!
  2.  You do have gifts within you and more power to impact your own mental health than you may know.
  3.  Practical strategies do exist that can help us cope with Depression and Anxiety. These skills can be learned.
  4.  Change takes persistent effort, and it may, sometimes, be painful – but, we can accomplish change… and we’re worth it!


Be encouraged. We have a variety of resources, strategies, and reasons for hope as we cope with our difficulties.

Some may fear a conflict, for believers, between Spiritual and Psychological counsel or treatment. There really is no need.

Thank God for both of these two important parts of our lives (Mind and Spirit). They can work together – not in opposition to each other. Scientific research has some surprising things to say about the benefits of prayer and therapeutic applications of Scripture. Seeking help, from qualified sources is a good decision!


We have a wealth of resources to call on for help. When choosing who to reach out to for professional and personal counseling we can learn about who does what.  We can check our sources – where we can go for trusted information — organizations such as the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI).

A few effective hands-on coping strategies for Depression and Anxiety can be used at low-or-no cost, such as: Using a Journal; Meditation; Distraction; Reasoning & Re-Framing; Self-talk; Stress Management, The Power of Praise, Laughter and Play, and more.

Ten minutes of aerobic activity can offer a quick temporary lift. Combine this with music (dance like no one is watching) for pain relief. If dancing is more than you can handle, how about some good stretches as you SWAY in rhythm with the music? The effects might be like taking an emotional aspirin.


Depression is felt in Body, Mind, and Spirit. All need care, and all are channels for comfort and healing. Our thoughts need a focus – let’s aim for a positive one. We can read encouraging words, or watch inspirational movies if we can’t find much positivity within. We can do some kind of activity to move our bodies into more positive balance. We can enjoy a healthy snack, or we could cozy up for a nap. Pick your favorite.

And, for the spirit – we can recognize our God as the source of every good and perfect gift. He’s always there. He always cares – and He is a generous giver.

“May your understanding of so many rich resources and coping strategies be multiplied. May your mind, and your ‘will’, be strengthened by our Lord who’s strength is perfected (perfectly displayed) in our weakness.  And may your spirit soar as you find peace that passes understanding, and joy – even in the midst of difficulty — in Jesus’ name, Amen”.

“Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you … For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:6 -7

Blessings, Love and Laughter,




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