Let’s Talk:


Isolation is not a good and healthy thing for human beings. We crave contact!

In my late-blooming undergraduate college days, The Communication Science clinic shared space with the Communication and Drama departments. I recall one day exiting the Speech-Language and Audiology clinic and being stopped in my tracks by a crowd of exuberant theatre students swirling through the hallway.

What stopped me was not traffic. It was the matching shirts they wore, which boldly stated …“Conversation is Social Intercourse”. They were absolutely correct (I looked it up) but to my middle-aged, yet evidently unseasoned, eye – that was a shocking statement.


In the years since then I have come to greatly appreciate the concept.   Man is born for social connection. We need it. We’re wired for it. And we enjoy it. In fact, recent research has shown that lack of connections can be hazardous to our physical as well as mental health. Isolation risks depression.

Wow, science may just be proving that fact, but it’s 2000-year-old biblical wisdom. As we are advised:

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10:24-25 (NKJV)

Those shirts served as fantastic ice-breakers. Across the campus, there were no ‘wall-flowers’, and no shy, lonely souls were left undisturbed – much to their enjoyment.

There are some obvious parallels between concepts here. What physical union does for the body – Social union does for the heart/mind. Only through conversation (verbal, gestured, or written) can one join one’s ideas, inspirations, or fears to another – and receive, from that ‘other’, comfort, encouragement and strength.


Agreement or even disagreement can be enlightening.   What an amazing thing it is to be able to touch and interact with another’s thoughts. It is a true form of intimacy.

Often when puzzling an idea or a problem, if I talk it out with someone else, my thoughts get clearer and more effective. It’s as if there were not enough room inside my head to lay everything out and look at the whole picture. But when spoken into the ear of a willing listener – the ‘airing’ works. Like releasing a vacuum seal on one of those storage bags, ideas can breathe into their full shape. I have space enough to try them on, and to arrange them in different more effective designs.


What gifts we can share — room for growth, intimacy, and added spice for life too.

Simple conversation – regardless of topic – has power. It doesn’t have to be profound or wise. We can help our loved ones– release the vacuum seal on their storage bags of wisdom, fears, needs, and dreams – airing them out, giving space for them to breathe into new shapes, new understanding, and new hope.

Sometimes “chit-chat” can carry a message of love much bigger than the words themselves.

We have gifts to share – if we dare the intimacy. Let’s talk !

Blessings, Love and Laughter,



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