Great stories have some things in common. They all have beginnings that ‘hook’ our interests, strong middles – to keep us going, and satisfying endings to fill our needs for closure, and order. My favorites offer inspiration and encouragement too.
I like to think about my life’s stories that way too. As I look back, I can often spot the beginnings of an experience, which are missed in the moment. As I’m in the middle of events I may lose focus or feel overwhelmed with the ‘action’ and wonder what it’s all about and how to best handle things. The endings are sometimes a surprise – when things don’t turn out the way I imagined they would.
Life is an education! I know that I am never alone, even when I feel that I am. With all of my heart, I believe we can know the Author and finisher of our faith.
I’m a deliberate optimist. I have always wanted to be a cheer-leader. We’re all going to go through ‘stuff’ in this life. There will be moments of despair – yes, but there will also be moments of sheer joy. I’ve had moments of laughter that just bubbles up from some internal well – and sometimes that laughter has felt like life saving grace.
When we realize that the King of Heaven knows us personally, and loves us unconditionally, it puts a whole new spin on our lives. We can more easily find the joy when we know the joy giver.
As a ‘wanna-be’ cheer-leader, I write about depression quite a bit. That’s because I was blessed to work in a setting that introduced me to many who struggled with this emotion (and I watched loved ones at home do so too). Together we learned some coping skills. Our burdens seem lighter when we can share them.
In my work – we discovered some practical exercises that seemed to help. I want to share those. I also want to share faith and encouragement with others. So, here goes:
- You are NOT alone.
- You are loved.
- You may not feel strong – but you are safe in the Father’s arms. When all we can do is fall to our knees – we are in our strongest position.
- There is absolutely nothing you can do, no mistakes you can make, that will cause God to give up on you. The only way to lose His grace is to refuse it.
- Great events in scripture are sometimes heralded… “… it came to pass.” I suggest that phrase can be a promise. It (whatever IT is) … came to pass. It will not last forever. If it’s joy – enjoy it while you are in the midst of it. IF it’s pain – hold on. This too will pass.
Please let me know how I can be an encouragement to you. I look forward to your comments.
Blessings, Love and Laughter to you,
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