To Be – or Not to be …

A short note of encouragement:

This exercise finds me pondering the verb ‘BE’.  Its definition releases multiple thoughts to bubble up in my imagination.

There are several synonyms. Many of those inflate their own bubbles of association.

BE, exist, live, breathe, endure, survive, subsist, abide, remain … also prevail, obtain, be located, be situated, remain, stay, last, continue, stand, persist, develop … and more.

Some of these refer to simple existence.  Others sound much more deliberate and turn my thoughts to the strength in that word.

The deeper I dig into meaning – the richer the treasure I find. For example:

I exist. I can take no credit for that fact. The good Lord and my parents made it so.

On a deeper level – I consider synonyms such as ‘develop’ and ‘obtain’. These words refer to growth and achievement. They incorporate standards, values, goal setting, discipline, and effort.

Wow … this tiny little word packs a definitive punch.

Endure, survive, abide, remain, prevail, stay, continue, stand, persist … These words mean that we don’t quit. They suggest promise.

To ‘Be’ means to continue. We may get knocked down – but we get up again.

I think there has been a song or two written about that. Play or sing them when you need a rocking reminder.

Our concerns, right now, include a pandemic, politics, economics,  and personal divisions. We must determine to ‘stand’ and ‘prevail’ against all odds — against outside forces that come against us.

We must choose to survive and endure our own emotions (fears, discouragement, impatience, etc.). In varied contexts, Scripture tells us ‘Be not afraid’ … with about 366 references.  That’s an annual one-a-day prescription … with an extra to cover Leap Year.

Here’s one of my favorites:   

“For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you Do Not Fear, I will help you” Isaiah 41:13 (NKJV)

By the grace of God – we can stand. Be encouraged!

Blessings, Love and Laughter,





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