Very Personally Yours …

Introduction & Inivitation

My first book has been published. I still have much to learn. I am starting to develop book number two: ‘LET’s TALKAbout Depression’.

Book two will cover communication difficulties and strategies for those who suffer from depression – and for those who care for them.

I have much to share with you, and I’ve had some wonderful responses from a survey of reader interests and needs.

My first invitation is for you to add your comments, questions, and requests as well.  These responses will shape the content of the new book.

I am excited about the future and more than a little intimidated by the prospects. I look forward to sharing the adventure with you. To further that goal – I am re-launching my blog, starting with this introduction.


“Hello God. It’s me again, Margaret.” The first time I saw those words, they captioned a Dennis the Menace cartoon cell. I have long forgotten what her comic book issues were. I have never forgotten that line I’ve repeated it so often in my prayers — it has become my own.

I was once asked us to define myself in five words. I can’t get to exactly five words, but I’m close:  I’m a believer. I’m a Lover. I’m a reader/writer. I’m a teacher, and I’m a clown.

I’M A BELIEVER in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, my savior, my redeemer, my God. Yes, I know, I may have already scared off some potential readers in the audience – but there really is no other way to begin since everything else of any value in my life is built on this first statement. I’m NOT a perfect person by anyone’s wildest stretch of the imagination – and I’m not even 100% rock-solid in acting out my faith day-to-day. I wobble. Like a toddler, I’m still learning to walk.

I’M A LOVER. I believe in the power of LOVE to keep the old world spinning, and to make the turns worth the ride. I am a lover – of my God; of my family and friends; and more. I’m also a lover of Chocolate, and I have a great many friends among the carbohydrate family too.

I’M A READER/WRITER. I love to read good stories, good non-fiction, and good cereal box covers I love the written word – and I love sharing it with others.

I’M A TEACHERAs a kid, I loved school. Social joys and other values were lost when school closed for the summer. My sister and I  especially missed Home Economics — those classes that let us eat the cookies we learned to make. Yes, there once was a time when schools actually had classes like Home Economics (cooking and sewing), Music, Art, P.E., and Shop.

If we paid attention to the latest in Brain Research and learning theory – we’d keep classes like these as essential parts of general education. Cutting them as ‘frills’ is an exercise in false economy.

Every teacher out there can relate to the ‘zing’ you feel when you watch a student experience an ‘Ah Hah!’ moment. You can see that spark in the eyes when they ‘get it’, and confidence begins to replace confusion.

That thrill is not limited to those who hold a credential. It’s what every mom, dad or big brother feels after coaching their little ‘student’ on the day the training wheels come off the bike, at the first successful independent launch of a home-made kite, or the proud presentation of culinary art that may, or may not, be edible – but that most definitely is a labor of love.


As a child, I wanted to run away and join the circus – with two grand dreams driving that desire. First, was the drama and beauty of the trapeze artists. I just knew I could fly – if I could wear the spangled tights and make-up like Gina Lollabrigida.

Second … the clowns. In those days we didn’t have any of today’s scary villainous ‘horror-film’ clowns.  Instead, clowns were magical characters who could make fun out of tragedy, and do so many incredible stunts with such wonderful, crazy freedom. They created laughter — which I regard as one of the greatest gifts in the world.

Sometimes I’m a clown by accident. When things could be either embarrassing or humorous – I’ll opt for funny!

Sometimes I’m a clown on purpose. Yep, red nose and all. Showing up in nose and wig to do a ‘get well’ song or dance can work better than a card – maybe even better than an aspirin. Laughter is music to the heart.


Now that I’ve expanded on my five-word self-introduction let me tell you my design is to share what wisdom, faith, and fun I may have to offer with my readers.

In my seventh decade, I’m still learning the walk of faith. If you care to come along with me, I’d love to share the journey, observations, inspirations, and laughs that have graced my days thus far.

Another important descriptor that didn’t fit into my word limit, (you may have already guessed) I’m a cheerleader. I hope to share some encouragement with you.

Blessings, Love, and Laughter to you.


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  • PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS. Use the Comment Section at the bottom of this screen (scroll all the way down the screen). If you would like to contact me privately find me here:  E-mail:          Snail Mail:  Stoneworks Media  952 School Street  #103  Napa, CA  94559

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