Welcome !



I’m so happy you have joined us here!

Our focus is mental/emotional wellness, overcoming depression, and joyous celebration of growth in our faith.

Every Sunday, I plan to post something new (words of encouragement, new research findings, an essay, observation, poem, question, answer, or inspirational quote or thought that we can explore). I may review a resource or a book, share a chuckle, raise an issue and suggest some solutions, or just bring up a subject for discussion.

Our goal is to share comfort, knowledge, and encouragement – supported by (and aligned with) God’s word. I love connecting with readers and look forward to exchanging ideas.

There are a few agreements we need to establish.

  1. Wandering too far off the topic or risking too much intimate information will be gently discouraged.
  2. Ageism, racism, sexism, and sarcasm are not welcomed.
  3. Comments must not contain profanity, politics or put-downs.
  4. Any posts that violate agreement # 3 will be immediately removed, and the sender ‘blocked’ from making future comments.
  5. PERMISSION … Please View My Permission Statement on my site for re-print and re-post permissions.

I will also be attempting an occasional newsletter – with articles, news of upcoming events and/or progress reports on my writing adventures. For example: my first book OVERCOME DEPRESSION: Strategies from Science and Scripture is newly available on Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple iBooks, as well as Amazon.

Because I was asked by readers to develop a closed Facebook group as a safe place for exchanges between readers/writers on the topics of depression, anxiety and communication – I have been studying up on the How-To’s. I’m not there yet – but I’m working on it. The future may also hold a series of podcasts or Facebook Live video chats, as I learn more about social media navigation. Stay tuned …

I look forward to connecting! Please share your topic ideas, requests or questions. We will build our support team together.  

If you’d like to get an email reminder of new posts, or to receive the newsletter, just tell me where to send it. You’ll be IN.

Blessings, Love and Laughter to you

Margaret (Marge) Lalich