Guest Post:

Let Go ... Let God

With all the chaos in government, riots, and protests, the Covid pandemic, unemployment, and chaos surrounding us, it is easy to become discouraged. Aside from all that, there is family life, worries about finances, health, etc. We are isolated from our everyday routines and friendships and can feel alone, bored, and become depressed. Many of […]

HELLO … Is Anyone Out There?

Have you ever wondered about this?

An old question crossed my mind … ‘If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?’ It’s a philosophical question that has spawned some interesting conversation. It popped up for me as I pondered the lack of comments or interaction with my blog spots […]


INTRODUCTION Tis’ the season for celebration, being busy, and for reflection. The year of 2020 offers much to reflect upon. Whew! Time Travel is not just for science-fiction movies. It’s a current hot topic of theoretical physics and more. In fact, each of us has our own time machine (our awareness of the present, memories […]


INTRODUCTION: The word ‘kaleidoscope’ calls up images of floating, ever-changing designs, beautiful patterns and shifting brilliant colors. I love the way my view is shaped in the eye-piece of that small tube sitting on the corner of my desk. My vision shifts with every twist, or change in lighting as I aim it at different […]

Blessings In Disguise … and Other UFO’s

INTRODUCTION Stress and anxiety can come in camouflage or as U.F.O.s (Unidentified-Feeling Overwhelm) as told in this scene: The breath she was holding, escaped in a long sigh. Time moved in a weird combination of slow motion – and jump-cuts. Minutes seemed to drag – while hours blazed past, with little to no real accomplishment. […]