Distorted Patterns… Thinking Traps: Series: Part Three

“Mind the gap”.  A BBC comedy used this line as a warning about such things as tripping off the curb or exiting an elevator before floor alignment was complete.  The slapstick humor came from this straight-faced advice being given just after the other character had tripped, and was comically staggering to regain balance.  In terms […]

META Power – Our Thoughts Can Change The World

Thoughts rush through my mind. There is a term for thinking – about thinking. That term is ‘Meta Cognition’. Saying that I’m engaged in that kind of activity seems so much more productive than just sitting here ‘spinning my wheels’. So, let’s get Meta! Our thoughts are incredibly powerful in shaping our lives. In fact, […]


It’s An Inside Job

INTRODUCTION Staring at the white computer screen, she thought; ’ I have so much to share. Where do I start?’ And the cursor continued to blink – at blank line, after line … You may not face ‘writer’s block’ – but how about blocking emotional awareness? THE PROBLEM An expert makes use of the right […]

STRATEGIC THINKING: Try A ‘Natural Metaphor’

INTRODUCTION When we spend too much time focused on our worries, problems, or other negatives – we risk losing our perspective. Meditation can be a powerful help, but reaching a calm focused state is not easy. To regain perspective and turn away from chaotic thoughts, we need a strategy. THE PROBLEM Hold up a quarter […]